

About Birdsong and Toe Itchiness
Being Mortal
Three interesting things happened to me in the past months. By interesting I mean the collection of them changed my whole view on life. The…
书单 2024
从今年年初起,因为身体和际遇的关系,我终于静下心来,恢复了没事干就阅读的习惯。似乎自从大学毕业,我再也没有这么集中地读过闲书。这些书的范围包括理财、养生、生产力、历史、爱情。但通过这个书单的排序, 它们都在讲述我该如何生活。 我意识到阅读是一条捷径,可以让我少些迂回曲折的求索过程…
Poor Things
Consider the thinking experiment — put the brain of a newborn baby into an adult woman’s body and let it grow. How will it perceive itself…

Ms. White Hair

上周周一,早上起来梳头的时候看到自己头发上有亮闪闪的东西。一定是猫毛,我想着,或者是不小心把粉底液弄到头上去了。但是我逐渐意识到那根亮闪闪的东西是长在我头上的,而且不止一根,而是有两根。 “槿汐,我才二十七岁,就有白头发了。“这是我脑子里的第一个声音。 我起先很困惑…
寂寞的游戏 整本书都笼罩在一种迷离的青绿色的意象中。主人公活在一种诗意的朦胧但是不切实的生活里。人与人瞬时的链接,伤害,忽视,失去,全在那种梦一般的体验里。能理解为什么作者选择结束自己的生命。读起来很美,但是读过便放下了。 流俗地 我近年读过的最好的一本虚幻类作品,众生相…
Philosophy for Polar Explorers
Reading has always been a hobby of mine, but in April I decided that skimming through a book was not enough and I need to write up a review…
A Song From Old Times
(back when I still read and wrote fan-fictions) The Days were short, the frost was cold For winter had here thrice forth-rolled The people…
静默,像锡纸一样包裹着夜晚 连它自己也不被察觉 直到那被束缚的头脑 费力地呼吸,在昏黄的路灯 空气的凝重,和单调的现实中问道 明天中午吃什么
Of The Heart
You knelt down beside me and Wrapped your arms Around my trembling shoulders “What’s wrong, dear one?” You asked “My heart is bleeding…
Why Buddhism Is True
I hated this book with a passion when I first read it. On the pages where it talks about emptiness, I furiously wrote in the margins “What…
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